Sofia sixth in Europe in the plans of the merchant networkSofia sixth in Europe in the plans of the merchant network..2008-01-14
Municipality Plovdiv financed the reconstruction of the opera with over 42 million levsMunicipality Plovdiv financed the reconstruction of the opera with over 42 million levs..2008-01-12
Sofia lines on a sixth point in the ranking up for 2007 of 20- th most democratic finishes for the european trade laps of the following five years. Sofia lines on a sixth point in the ranking up for 2007 of 20- th most democratic finishes for the european trade laps of the following five years. ..2008-01-11
In 2007 in Europe the real estate decline whit 13 per cent In 2007 in Europe the real estate decline whit 13 per cent..2008-01-10
Does the boom continue in the rate of the bulgarian real estates? Does the boom continue in the rate of the bulgarian real estates?